Blog, Latest, Pastoral Leadership Ross Lester Blog, Latest, Pastoral Leadership Ross Lester

On Pastoring: Four Easy Ways to Stay Connected and Accessible

Four unbelievably easy things I do to maintain pastoral connectivity and availability even - and especially - in the midst of very busy, and very large, ministry environments. I am painfully aware that these sound small, obvious, and perhaps even pitiable, and that none of them would be necessary in a smaller church (a blog topic for another day) but they have all been really effective tools that have helped me and the people I serve as we seek to walk this life of Jesus following AMONG one another.

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Blog, Latest Ross Lester Blog, Latest Ross Lester

Friends With the Flock: The Difficulty and Necessity of Building Friendships With Those You Are Called to Lead (Part 1)

As a pastor, you tend to enter into people’s lives in the deep end. It is usually something significant that results in you being drawn into their orbit. A loss, a gain, a wedding, a funeral, a divorce, or a divorce they’re trying to avoid. This means that there is an instant intimacy that feels like a friendship, but often isn’t. You are a service provider, you just don’t know that. 
You think that perhaps you are a friend trying to help.

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