Pastoral Leadership, Blog Ross Lester Pastoral Leadership, Blog Ross Lester

Standing in the Jordan: A Picture of Church Leadership

Next time you are feeling overwhelmed by the leadership role and responsibility that God has given you in the church, and next time you aren’t sure about what it is that God has called you to do in that role, it might be helpful to remember this simple image. In and amongst the many complexities of leadership lies the simplicity of a picture of those who were faithful enough to stand firm in the middle of a river.

Stand in the Jordan, and enjoy watching the tumultuous work of God.

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Blog, Latest, Pastoral Leadership Ross Lester Blog, Latest, Pastoral Leadership Ross Lester

On Pastoring: Four Easy Ways to Stay Connected and Accessible

Four unbelievably easy things I do to maintain pastoral connectivity and availability even - and especially - in the midst of very busy, and very large, ministry environments. I am painfully aware that these sound small, obvious, and perhaps even pitiable, and that none of them would be necessary in a smaller church (a blog topic for another day) but they have all been really effective tools that have helped me and the people I serve as we seek to walk this life of Jesus following AMONG one another.

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