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The One About Carbs, Naps, and How God Knows What You Need

Dear West Family

My reading plan had me in one of my favorite Old Testament prophet stories this week. The story is the oft-quoted one in 1 Kings 19 where God speaks to Elijah, and the voice of the Lord isn’t captured in a storm, an earthquake, or a raging fire, but rather in a whisper. I love that story, but what caught my attention was something that God did for Elijah in the build up to that moment.

You see, Elijah was on the run, and rightly so, as his life had been threatened by some of the most brutal leaders of his day (Jezebel and Ahab.) It is a really painful moment to read of, when Elijah comes to the end of himself and gets to a place where he just wants to die.

He sat down under a broom tree and prayed that he might die. He said, “I have had enough! Lord, take my life, for I’m no better than my ancestors.” 5 Then he lay down and slept under the broom tree. - 1 Ki 19:4–5 (CSB)

He prayed that he might die! Elijah was at the end of himself, in a pit of despair so deep that he saw no way out. He had obeyed God with everything he had, and nothing had gone right. He was over it, in every way possible and he mustered all of the faith that he had left for one last prayer … “God please just end it. I don’t even want to live any more.” It is so dark and despairing and yet so helpful too to see such a faithful servant of God in such desperate despair. Elijah went to sleep and hoped and prayed that he would never wake up.

What happened next is what I want to focus on though.
The Lord sent an angel!

Suddenly, an angel touched him. The angel told him, “Get up and eat.” 6 Then he looked, and there at his head was a loaf of bread baked over hot stones, and a jug of water. So he ate and drank and lay down again. 7 Then the angel of the Lord returned for a second time and touched him. He said, “Get up and eat, or the journey will be too much for you. - 1 Ki 19:5–7.

God sent an angel because He knew that Elijah was facing something that was beyond his own strength. God knew the limitations of Elijah’s capabilities and so sent him what he needed at just the right moment.

And what did he need?

He needed some carbs, a cold drink, and a good nap.
Sometimes, in our flesh, that is what we really need.

Now Elijah lived a life of fierce sold out devotion and would go from this encounter on a 40 day fast and so I want to be cautious in saying that what we all need is some snacks and a second sleep. But, isn’t it amazing that God saw the very physical needs that Elijah had, and that He commissioned a heavenly messenger to deliver them?

God cares about the needs of His servants!

And so, this week, as many of you get some well earned rest, don’t waste it by trying to keep it separate from your walk with God. He knows what you need! Maybe that includes some carbs, some cool drinks, and a comfy place under a tree for a nap.

Enjoy your limitations and the loving provision of a God who knows them all too well.

The song this week is from Benjamin William Hastings. I love it.
Highlands (Song Of Ascent) // Benjamin William Hastings // Take 2

See you soon.